Wet Mess. Dry Mess.
Make it No Mess.

Vanquish Wet and Dry Messes

Disappear Grimy Water

Better Cleaning Edge-to-Edge

Move Fast and Smooth

No Cleaning After Cleaning


Vanquish Wet and Dry Messes
Make wet and dry dirt disappear at a stroke with DyadPower. The only dual roller motor, multi-roller wet/dry vacuum in the world1.
Clean While
You Clean
While you clean your floors, your brushes clean themselves. So stop dragging a dirty rag across the floor. Start washing it with fresh, clean brushes throughout the whole clean.

Disappear Grimy Water
Filled with grime churned up by the DyadPower system, dirty water is sucked up, up, and away. Leaving floors clean and dry.
Better Cleaning
Edge to Edge